Thursday, 24 October 2013

11g Active Data Guard - enabling Real-Time Query

11g Active Data Guard - enabling Real-Time Query

Active Data Guard is a good new feature in 11g (although requires a license) which enables us to query the Standby database while redo logs are being applied to it. In earlier releases, we had to stop the log apply, open the database in read only mode and then start the log apply again when the database was taken out of the read only mode.
With Oracle 11g Active Data Guard, we can make use of our standby site to offload reporting and query type applications while at the same time not compromising on the high availability aspect.
How do we enable Active Data Guard?
If we are not using the Data Guard Broker, we need to open the standby database, set it in read only mode and then start the managed recovery as shown below.
SQL> shutdown immediate;
Database closed.
Database dismounted.
ORACLE instance shut down
SQL> startup
ORACLE instance started.
Total System Global Area 1069252608 bytes
Fixed Size 2154936 bytes
Variable Size 847257160 bytes
Database Buffers 213909504 bytes
Redo Buffers 5931008 bytes
Database mounted.
Database opened

SQL> recover managed standby database using current logfile disconnect;

ASM Fast Mirror Resinc(11g new feature)

ASM Fast Mirror Resync Explained Experimentally

ASM fast mirror resync is a new 11g ASM feature to restore the redundancy quickly after a transient disk path failure. With 10g ASM, if redundancy is used and a disk path fails, the disk is taken offline and shortly after, dropped. In order to preserve the redundancy all the existing redundant mirror extent copies are resynchronized to newly created extents in the remaining disks of the disk group. It is a very costly operation. With 11g ASM fast mirror resync, when a transient disk path failure occurs disks are also taken offline but they are not dropped during period of time that is determined by the value of a new disk group attribute DISK_REPAIR_TIME. ASM keeps tracks of all modified extents during the failure. After the failure is fixed; only modified extents are resynchronized. Therefore restoring the redundancy is performed very fast. It is important to note that the failure is a transient failure and it is a failure while ASM tries to write to/read from an extent in a disk. So there is no mention of damaged disk or corruption of data. Your data stays stale in the disk. But it can not be accessed due to a failure of cable, controller etc.
DISK_REPAIR_TIME attribute of the disk group determines the outage duration. In other words, this is the acceptable time of duration during you need to fix the failure. This setting is also the countdown timer of ASM to drop the disks that has been taken offline. So keep an eye on it during the repair of the failure. If remaining time is not enough, it must be extended as long as you believe that you can fix the failure and tolerate more lacking redundancy.
Note that, it is always possible to take the disks offline in advance using ALTER DISKGROUP OFFLINE SQL STATEMENT for preventative planned maintenance purposes.
After giving this brief introduction, I would like to make this note more useful by doing something practical instead of explaining the concepts which are already done properly in the Oracle Documentation. That is why I have prepared following scenario.


I will create a transient disk path failure, fix the failure and finally put the failed disks back online. The objective is to setup “ASM Fast Mirror Resync” and monitor it before and after a transient disk path failure. In this scenario, I have used 11gR2 Oracle Database and 11gR2 ASM instance on an OEL5.4 box. If you would like to replay this scenario yourself then create or find a sand box, in other words, a box which does not have any significant importance to others. Otherwise some tasks performed here may cause terrible consequences that you would never want it to happen to you.
Following tasks will be performed in the order given.
1. Perform prerequisite actions to use ASM fast mirror resync
2. Simulate a transient failure
3. Fix the transient failure
4. Monitor the Fast Mirror Reync in action
All the scripts used in the scenario are listed at the end of this post.

1. Perform prerequisite actions to use ASM fast mirror resync

As mentioned above we need to use ASM redundancy (not external redundancy). Create a disk group having normal redundancy and a tablespace having datafile using this disk group
    create diskgroup dg1 normal redundancy
    failgroup dg1_fg01 disk
    '/dev/raw/raw1' name raw_disk1,
    '/dev/raw/raw2' name raw_disk2,
    '/dev/raw/raw5' name raw_disk5
    failgroup dg1_fg02 disk
    '/dev/raw/raw3' name raw_disk3,
    '/dev/raw/raw4' name raw_disk4,
    '/dev/raw/raw6' name raw_disk6;
    create tablespace asmfmr_ts datafile '+DG1/asmfmr_ts_01.dbf' size 128M;
ASM disk group attributes COMPATIBLE.RDBMS and COMPATIBLE.ASM must be set to the minimum software release of 11.1. Therefore a 10g database can not use this feature. Setup Fast Mirror Sync as below. Setting up DISK_REPAIR_TIME is optional. It has a default value of 3.6h
    alter diskgroup dg1 set attribute 'compatible.asm' = '';
    alter diskgroup dg1 set attribute 'compatible.rdbms' = '';
    alter diskgroup dg1 set attribute 'disk_repair_time'='5h';
List the new attributes we have just updated using the script dg_attribs.sql
SQL> @dg_attribs.sql
DG NAME              ATTRIB NAME                    VALUE                READ_ON
-------------------- ------------------------------ -------------------- -------
DG1                  disk_repair_time               5h                   N
DG1                  au_size                        1048576              Y
DG1                  sector_size                    512                  Y
DG1                  access_control.umask           066                  N
DG1                  compatible.rdbms                N
DG1                  cell.smart_scan_capable        FALSE                N
DG1                  access_control.enabled         FALSE                N
DG1                  compatible.asm                  N

2. Simulate a transient failure

Below, as it can be seen from path of the ASM disks, I have used raw devices as ASM storage. Each raw device corresponds to a disk in a disk group. Since we have the ability to change file access privileges of raw devices, I can create a transient disk path failure by changing read-write permission of the raw devices.
Below is the status of the ASM disks just before the failure.
SQL> @chkasmdiskstat.sql
--------------- --------------- ------- ------------ ------- -------- ---------- ------------
RAW_DISK6       /dev/raw/raw6   CACHED  MEMBER       ONLINE  NORMAL   DG1_FG02              0
RAW_DISK5       /dev/raw/raw5   CACHED  MEMBER       ONLINE  NORMAL   DG1_FG01              0
RAW_DISK4       /dev/raw/raw4   CACHED  MEMBER       ONLINE  NORMAL   DG1_FG02              0
RAW_DISK3       /dev/raw/raw3   CACHED  MEMBER       ONLINE  NORMAL   DG1_FG02              0
RAW_DISK2       /dev/raw/raw2   CACHED  MEMBER       ONLINE  NORMAL   DG1_FG01              0
RAW_DISK1       /dev/raw/raw1   CACHED  MEMBER       ONLINE  NORMAL   DG1_FG01              0
Below I am simulating a transient disk path failure by modifying the read-write permissions of disks (raw devices) to 000.
From this point on, ASM can not access to these disks to read from or to write.
# chmod 000 /dev/raw/raw6 /dev/raw/raw4 /dev/raw/raw3
At this stage it is better to execute a workload to make some modifications in the existing redundant extent copies in the disk failure group DG1_FG01. It will also make ASM to realize that some disks are missing while it tries to mirror the redundant copies to the extents of failed disks.
SQL> @workload.sql
As it can be seen below, ASM can not access to any disk in failure group DG1_FG02 and it has taken these disks offline. Also disk repair timer has started. Besides this information, you can see further details regarding consequences of this failure in alert.log of ASM if you want.
SQL> @chkasmdiskstat.sql
--------------- --------------- ------- ------------ ------- -------- ---------- ------------
RAW_DISK3                       MISSING UNKNOWN      OFFLINE NORMAL   DG1_FG02          18000
RAW_DISK4                       MISSING UNKNOWN      OFFLINE NORMAL   DG1_FG02          18000
RAW_DISK6                       MISSING UNKNOWN      OFFLINE NORMAL   DG1_FG02          18000
RAW_DISK5       /dev/raw/raw5   CACHED  MEMBER       ONLINE  NORMAL   DG1_FG01              0
RAW_DISK2       /dev/raw/raw2   CACHED  MEMBER       ONLINE  NORMAL   DG1_FG01              0
RAW_DISK1       /dev/raw/raw1   CACHED  MEMBER       ONLINE  NORMAL   DG1_FG01              0

3. Fix the transient failure

The fix is simply to revert the raw device read-write permissions to 660. This makes raw devices accessible by ASM again.
# chmod 660 /dev/raw/raw6 /dev/raw/raw4 /dev/raw/raw3
Now it is time to take the disks online.
SQL> alter diskgroup dg1 online disks in failgroup dg1_fg02;

4. Monitor the Fast Mirror Resync in action

Below it can be seen that stale extents of the disks taken online are being resynchronized. Look at the devices below having SYNCING value in the the column MODE_STATUS
SQL> @chkasmdiskstat.sql
--------------- --------------- ------- ------------ ------- -------  ----------- ------------
RAW_DISK6       /dev/raw/raw6   CACHED  MEMBER       SYNCING NORMAL   DG1_FG02           17297
RAW_DISK5       /dev/raw/raw5   CACHED  MEMBER       ONLINE  NORMAL   DG1_FG01               0
RAW_DISK4       /dev/raw/raw4   CACHED  MEMBER       SYNCING NORMAL   DG1_FG02           17297
RAW_DISK3       /dev/raw/raw3   CACHED  MEMBER       SYNCING NORMAL   DG1_FG02           17297
RAW_DISK2       /dev/raw/raw2   CACHED  MEMBER       ONLINE  NORMAL   DG1_FG01               0
RAW_DISK1       /dev/raw/raw1   CACHED  MEMBER       ONLINE  NORMAL   DG1_FG01               0
Also syncing operation is represented with a status ONLINE in the column OPERATION of v$ASM_OPERATION view. See below.
SQL> @chkasmoper.sql
------------ ----- ----
1            ONLIN RUN
After syncing operation completed, redundancy has been restored and disks are online again. See below.
SQL> @chkasmdiskstat.sql
--------------- --------------- ------- ------------ ------- -------  ----------- ------------
RAW_DISK6       /dev/raw/raw6   CACHED  MEMBER       ONLINE  NORMAL   DG1_FG02               0
RAW_DISK5       /dev/raw/raw5   CACHED  MEMBER       ONLINE  NORMAL   DG1_FG01               0
RAW_DISK4       /dev/raw/raw4   CACHED  MEMBER       ONLINE  NORMAL   DG1_FG02               0
RAW_DISK3       /dev/raw/raw3   CACHED  MEMBER       ONLINE  NORMAL   DG1_FG02               0
RAW_DISK2       /dev/raw/raw2   CACHED  MEMBER       ONLINE  NORMAL   DG1_FG01               0
RAW_DISK1       /dev/raw/raw1   CACHED  MEMBER       ONLINE  NORMAL   DG1_FG01               0

List of scripts used in this post

-- chkasmdiskstat.sql
-- Show ASM disks status
set pagesize 100
set linesize 200
col path for a15
col name for a15
col failgroup for a15
select disk_number,name,path,mount_status,header_status,mode_status,state,failgroup,repair_timer
from v$asm_disk;
-- dg_attribs.sql
-- show disk group attributes
col "dg name" for a20
col "attrib name" for a30
col value for a20
set pagesize 20
select  "dg name"
      ,   "attrib name"
from v$asm_diskgroup dg,
     v$asm_attribute a
where = 'DG1'
and   dg.group_number = a.group_number;
-- chkasmoper.sql
-- show ongoing ASM operations
select * from v$asm_operation;
-- workload.sql
-- create a schema having a table using table space asmfmr_ts which has data files in the disk group DG1
-- This script is going to modify the contents of the extents on the disk group DG1
connect / as sysdba
create user asmfmr identified by asmfmr default tablespace asmfmr_ts;
grant create session, create table to asmfmr;
alter user asmfmr quota unlimited on asmfmr_ts;
connect asmfmr/asmfmr
drop table table_workload;
create table table_workload (col1 number, col2 varchar2(200));
 insert into table_workload values ( 1,'workload data');
 for i in 1..20 loop
   insert into table_workload  select * from table_workload;
 end loop;
select count(1) from table_workload;
